The use of green building materials in enhancing sustainable architecture

Document Type : Original Article


Lecturer Assistant- University of Monastir


The research on using green building materials to achieve sustainable architecture focuses on promoting sustainability in construction, aiming to reduce environmental impact and preserve natural resources. This includes utilizing renewable building materials like sustainably sourced wood and environmentally friendly insulation such as natural fibers or recycled insulation materials. Additionally, the research explores the use of building materials that decrease energy consumption, such as insulated glass and integrated solar panels in building structures.
Achieving sustainable architecture also relies on smart building techniques and designs that enhance natural airflow and lighting to minimize industrial energy use. These studies investigate sustainability concerning building materials and their impact on the environment, energy efficiency, and quality of life within buildings and communities.
The research emphasizes several key aspects:
1. Using environmentally friendly materials like recycled wood, energy-efficient glass, and natural fibers for insulation.
2. Focusing on energy efficiency by employing green building materials to enhance energy performance, integrating solar panels, and designing for natural airflow and lighting.
3. Sustainable improvement of the environment by examining the impact of green building materials on surrounding ecosystems and enhancing air, water, and land quality.
4. Enhancing quality of life within buildings through the application of these materials, improving indoor climate and comfort for occupants.
5. Promoting a sustainable approach in the construction industry by encouraging the use of green materials and eco-friendly technologies.
These aspects collectively constitute the research's exploration of how green building materials contribute to sustainable architecture and aim to strike a balance between infrastructure development and environmental preservation.


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