Trends for sustainable environment and contemporary industrial design (concepts and perspectives).

Document Type : Original Article


1 University of Baghdad, College of Fine Arts

2 university of baghdad, College of Fine Arts


The twenty-first century is witnessing the culmination of human progress that has been paved by the numerous and successive developments throughout the past century, especially in its recent decades, to witness the achievement of remarkable human achievements at the scientific, technological, technical and informational levels. . These achievements imposed new ambitions for everything that is in circulation, as every age casts a shadow over what is in it. Therefore, the word (modern) was born as a symbolic expression of how well it keeps up with everything that is new and new, to become the origin of its era and its mirror that reflects everything new. However, sudden cases of change may cause a state of chaos and confusion in any system, especially the design system, and therefore these cases of change will enter the specialists of all planning branches, the most important of which is the design, with different forms, because here we are dealing with the unexpected and the unusual and the new.
